Thursday 1 August 2013

Sufis Inventing The Past

Nashville duo The Sufis are truly a band out of time. Their latest record Inventions (out through Ample Play and Burger Records) swings along like a loopy psych pop peyote hiccup, all Syd Barrett and Beatles silly whimsy, so light it floats up and down the waves like sonic flotsam, perishables that will eventually wash up on the shore and adorn someone's mantelpiece for generations. Seriously, can you think of anything that sounds so distilled from a different age? An alien fossil unearthed by an earthquake; a message in a bottle from the Mary Celeste; Inventions is a time capsule from something that may never be real, imagined or explained. It simply exists, an echo of a time that may or may not have taken place. It's disorienting, isn't it? Still, if you are going to mirror the greats, you may as well be indistinguishable from them.

Inventions comes out next week - pre-order it here.

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