December of every year is the month of lists, where you get to see what people thought about the music of the past twelve months and either rant at said person's shit taste, laud your similarities, facepalm over forgotten gems, or scramble for something hitherto unheard of. But a list in January for the year before is more redundant than use by dates on a nymphomaniac's condom (sorry). Still, at first I thought that 2011 was a little low on the good music front, but after a sift there was some pretty killer moments. I'm sure things slipped through to the keeper, but here is a list of music-related guff that floated my boat in 2011 (my number one album? The clue is in the picture above...). No discussion - I've missed the boat on that - but will enter INTO discussion with any and all of you who leave a comment below. Feel free to berate as much as you want...
40. Natural Child -
197139. Active Child -
You Are All I See38. Religious Knives -
Smokescreen37. Barn Owl -
Shadowland36. Civil Civic -
Rules35. Snowman -
Absence34. Tim Hecker -
Ravedeath 197233. Mikal Cronin -
Mikal Cronin32. Witch Hats -
Pleasure Syndrome31. JEFF The Brotherhood -
We Are The Champions30. Fucked Up -
David Comes To Life29. Black Lips -
Arabia Mountain28. Bon Iver -
Bon Iver27. No Anchor -
Real Pain Supernova26. Liturgy -
Anaesthetica25. Mountains -
Air Museum24. Plankton Wat -
23. The Skull Defekts -
22. Black Eagle Child -
Lobelia21. Crystal Stilts -
In And Out Of Oblivion20. Apache Dropout -
Apache Dropout19. Pure X -
Ecstacy18. Oneohtrix Point Never -
Replica17. Tune-Yards -
w h o k i l l16. Young Widows -
In And Out Of Youth And Lightness15. Nova Scotia -
Nova Scotia14. Wooden Shjips -
West13. Harmony -
Harmony12. Twerps -
Twerps11. Explosions In The Sky -
Take Care Take Care Take Care10. Disappears -
Guider9. Ty Segall -
Goodbye Bread8. Cola Freaks -
Cola Freaks7. EMA -
Post Life Martyred Saints6. Sex Church -
Growing Over5. Rank/Xerox -
Rank/Xerox4. Royal Headache -
Royal Headache3. The Men -
Leave Home2. Total Control -
Henge Beat1. Iceage -
New BrigadeHonourable Mentions:
- Veronica Falls
- Times New Viking
- Dick Diver
- The Vietnam War
- White Denim
- Cat Cat
- Mr Dream
- Illness
- Human Eye
"Brooklyn", Happy People
"I Can Feel It", Ty Segall
"Let Me Back In", Explosions In The Sky
"White Rune"/"Collapse", Iceage
"Grey Ship", EMA
"No Surf", Wet Years
"Gatton Bohemia", No Anchor
"Around The Twist", Nova Scotia
"Down The Lane", Royal Headache
"Down At The Farm (live)", White Denim
"You Are All I See", Active Child
"The Other Shoe", Fucked Up
"Montana", Youth Lagoon
"Turn Into", Batrider
"Bad Feeling", Veronica Falls
"Bones", Male Bonding
"Backseat", Tape/Off
"Psychic Mesa", Total Slacker
"Shootinhead", The Whines
"Heartache", Harmony
"Safety Surf", Kid Chocolate
"Fucking Despair", Fat History Month
"Wild Horse Mountain", Feathers
"Pitiful", Extra Happy Ghost
"Truth", Alexander
"Ice Cream", Battles
"Small Streets", Brief Candles
"Modern Love", City Center
"Graveyard's Full", The Growlers
Crystal Stilts -
Radiant DoorHappy People,
Happy PeoplePuffy Areolas & Purling Hiss,
Puffy Areolas/Purling HissTape/Off -
...And Sometimes GladnessThe Growlers & Thee Ludds -
The Growlers/Thee LuddsAssassins 88 -
KanedaSurfer Blood -
Tarot ClassicsBlack Gum -
Black GumCousin -
And Other RelationsKing Dude -
My Beloved GhostOtro Mundo -
JelliedPart Chimp & Torche
Part Chimp/TorchePontiak -
ComecrudosThee Oh Sees & Total Control-
Thee Oh Sees/Total ControlTy Segall -
Ty RexWeekend -
...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - The Hi Fi
Explosions In The Sky/Harmony - The Hi Fi
Fucked Up/DZ Deathrays - Alhambra Lounge, 09.12.11
The Drones/Mike Noga - The Hi Fi
Ty Segall - Woodland
Times New Viking/Cobwebbs - Woodland
Mono/No Anchor/Secret Birds - The Hi Fi
Gareth Liddiard - Spegieltent
Besnard Lakes/Nova Scotia - The Zoo
Black Mountain/ - The Zoo
Swervedriver - The Zoo
Skul Hazzards/Turnpike/No Anchor - The Step Inn
Batrider - Woodland
Nova Scotia/Tape-Off/Arbuckle - The Lofly Hangar
Sonic Masala shows - The Waiting Room
Mogwai (Splendour)
Warpaint (Laneway/Splendour)
Les Savy Fav (Laneway)
Portishead (Harvest)
Flaming Lips (Harvest
Holy Fuck (Laneway)
Pulp (Splendour)
The National (Harvest)
Hypnotic Brass Ensemble (Harvest)
Mars Volta (Splendour)
Welcome to 2012!!!!!!