Michael over at Crash Avenue is a fantastic chap that keeps the love of obscure, overlooked music alive. He has put me onto some great acts in the past year - Lubec, Guitaro, White Laces, Secret Colours...and hopefully the favour has been repaid in kind. Yet its been a bit of a while since Ive liked one of their releases - until now.
Brontosaurus are two guys, Nicholas Kelley and Nicholas Papaleo who came of age with prog and classical, then transposed that aesthetic into subdued, grainy garage pop experimentations. With heavy emphasis on stops and starts, classical instrumentation alongside awkward, off kilter time signatures and harmonies, new LP Cold Comes to Claim is quite an achievement. I havent felt such an affinity with an indie rock release in ages - it marries the likes of Califone with more baroque, folk freakout efforts by the likes of My Morning Jacket. However this isnt really doing it justice - from the first song 'Beware' onwards, it has struck such a chord with me that Im struck dumb. These guys have written an album of intricacies that are strange yet effervescent, even in their darker moments, like a ultraviolet fluoroescent tube set in a garishly painted ancient cave dwelling. The more I listen the more haunted I feel. This isnt so much a grower as a get under your skin-er - beware indeed...

Brontosaurus - Beware
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