The first two releases both involve French one-man sonic goliath Henryspenncer. To The Timeless Valley is his second album, and it offers the confrontation of windy psych with heavy industrial and cosmic vibes, that invites you to an endless travel in imaginary deserts. Its exactly what we here on Planet Masala salivate over.

Each of these excellent releases are available from the Bookmaker website - each one in edition of 150, on heavy cardboard digifile + insert card + printed CD. I would prefer if you bought this, but, Valentin, Thomas and Clement assure me that they just want this excellent music out into the collective consciousness, so you lucky devils can also get the full albums here and here for free! Oh, what a day it is to be a fan of dystopian drone...
Henryspenncer - An Elevator To Nowhere, With A Pyramid (from To The Timeless Valley)
Among The Bones - Pyramid Of Sacrifice (from henryspenner/Among The Bones)
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