As I mentioned about a month ago, Torche are releasing their new LP, Songs For Singles, through Hydra Head Records. Since then all I have done is immerse myself in HH's catalogue of amazing loud aggressive releases - Helms Alee's Night Terror being the one of note in the past fortnight. Whilst over there I picked up a free sampler called Phoning It In - go on, you go do it too! And apart from reiterating why my mate from Oz Jason thinks Pyramids With Nadja's release from the beginning of the year is killer, it also brought to my frontal lobe The Austerity Program.
This two piece deal in dark aggressive attacks of noise sustained by a staccato drum machine. Imagine if you will that Nine Inch Nails had been formed by Steve Albini. Their album of '08 Black Madonna is a dark minor masterpiece, and the strength of that drawn out affair is honed to even stronger levels on new EP Backsliders and Apostates Will Burn.
I fucking love this band.
I know that sentence (either verbatim or in a paraphrased form) gets bandied around here at SM - mostly by me - but you may notice that I never stand down from these notions. They are not kneejerk reactions. Anyway, regardless of the past, The Austerity Program is a different beast - it sounds like it was formed from Satan's loins with me expressly in mind. Think new musical acquisition Helms Alee, some Shellac, a sprinkle of industrial noise a la Nine Inch Nails, a smidgen of Minutemen, and a healthy dose of nihilism, and the brutally seductive elixir is complete. This EP is angry, funny, stark, serrated, and oh so addictive.
Fucking awesome sampler Bre. Good find. And good rock equation.
ReplyDeleteThanks dude. Hey, I might be in Oz for Christmas - will there be Reynolds' in the Brisvegas house? And amped you like the sampler - Hydra Head have their shit together.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure we'll still be here and would be honoured if you where to crash at any point durring the holidays. Amy said you where going to see Civil Civic in the near future. Do some work and convince them an Australian tour would be paramount in furthering their career. I would give my left nut to dance my ass off at their show. It's ok though.....I have three testicles.