Holy shit. I love - LOVE - Pop. 1280's The Grid EP from last year. It is one surly, dirty, desperate piece of work. Which means that I should have been prepared for their LP, The Horror.
I so wasn't prepared.
Sacred Bones have helped these reprobates recreate Sadako's tape for the aural generation. Seriously, if you haven't gone insane or spontaneously combusted within 7 days of hearing this album, you are deaf and dumb (as in stupid). This LP rivals the excellence of labelmates The Men's brill album of last year, Leave Home, and although they too have a new release cooking for 2012, The Horror is gonna be hard to beat. When you can be labelled by punters as "Cop Shoot Cop eating Sonic Youth's afterbirth"*, you have hit the motherlode - and sprayed it in everyone's face.

Pop. 1280 - Bodies In The Dunes
Got this yesterday! I agree - it is an awesome record.