Monday 17 January 2011

Keep The Creepoids From The Horses

I dont know much about the Philadelphians otherwise known as Creepoid, so had no real connection to what their debut Horse Heaven would sound like. What came across was a great record of sometimes breezy, sometimes scathing folk Americana psych, a true pastiche of elements that served the purpose of crafting songs of melancholia with bite and bombast. I find Creepoid are tapping into a rich vein of originality here, with the rustic acoustics of 'Find You Out' or 'Hollow Doubt' breaking into sonic swirls, or the unrelenting dirge that breaks forth from slowcore beginnings in 'Grave Blanket'. Overall the Kyle Johnson (Wavves, Modest Mouse) produced Horse Heaven has a sense of droll inevitability emanating from it, an unsettling notion as it steamrolls to its conclusion. This is a grower, whereby you think you have a handle on what this album is capable of and what its trying to do, but like a creeper vine it twists around you almost imperceptibly, and before you know it you're entwined. Somehow reminiscent of when I listened to Broken Water's Whet for the first time last year. A worthy release indeed.

Horse Heaven is out now - get it over at Ian Records or at their Bandcamp.

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