Wednesday 5 January 2011

Deerhoof By Numbers = Colourful Colourings Outside The Lines

It seems a little redundant to review a new Deerhoof record – you pretty much know what is inside the box, so to speak. Its not like they are going to pull a Blonde Redhead on us, are they?


Haha, no, they aren’t. Chances are you've heard most of this album in bits and bobs due to the rad idea of releasing the tracks on various global blogs over the past month - check out where here. Deerhoof Vs Evil is all you’d expect – crazy syncopated drum rolls, pixie-on-meth-and-helium-bumps vocals, guitar noise skritching- yet I was still taken aback by some of the beauty within, such as the ethereal 70s shimmer via flamenco flourishes that is ‘No One Asked To Dance’ or the 8-bit via Seattle dirge that drives ‘Super Duper Rescue Heads!’ surprise in the way that these Bay Area misanthropes continue to strive at adding more bows to their quiver. Whilst being a massive fan of their live component, I haven’t really embraced their studio output as something worthy of a multitude of listens (except maybe Milk Man, and that may be only because it reminds me of when I heard them for the first time), and Im not sure that this album will buck this trend. I tend to choose tracks from various releases and make my own definitive Deerhoof playlist. Nevertheless, it is a true to form Deerhoof release – so for fans, keep salivating. And if you haven’t seen them live yet, do yourself a true service and get yourself a ticket this year – I know I will be first in line.

Deerhoof Vs Evil is out January 25th on Polyvinyl Records.

1 comment:

  1. "Sonic Masala reviews the new Deerhoof. He says it sounds like Deerhoof, but with more way more words and opinions than I just did. Whatever guys. I'm on meds."
