Thursday 13 January 2011

Lubec Is Enough!

With the flurry of releases that are being pushed by Crash Avenue, its not hard to see how something like Lubec's Nothing Is Enough! EP could have sat on my desk for so long without being given the proper amount of attention. However it would be remiss of me to leave these guys by the wayside, as it is the first release of the year that has had me genuinely happy to be alive.

Released next week, the Richmond, Virginia four piece dish out sic slabs of fuzzy noise pop rock, each cut a little more salivatory than the last, until you reach closer 'You'll Know Then' and you work out that either you are drowning in your own blissfully flowing spit or you've pissed yourself. In my case, both occurred, but that's beside the point. Lubec have cut the perfect balance from scuzzy noise, denim rock and bubblegum pop. If you liked Sisters' Ghost Fits last year, then put that aside, as Lubec do the noise pop thang so much better here (no offence - Ghost Fits was one of my guilty pleasures of last year).

Fave cuts - opener 'Evan Wright' sets the off the cuff, happy as Larry attitude perfectly and leaves you without a doubt as to what is in store for you. 'Gang Knife Battles' hints at a more anthemic, moody version of their sunny garage fuzz, whilst 'You'll Know When' is a wistful reminder that it has all come to an end...before you realise there is a repeat function.

This is a very strong debut (out on Wednesday through The Acme Thunderer) from a band well worth looking into.

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