Friday 9 January 2015

Colleen's Green On The Art Of Growing Up

Precocious garage pop queen Colleen Green has a new record coming out on Hardly Art next month. I thought that her last record, Sock It To Me, was good in parts with some killer songs, but also suffered from some middling fare that never really got into gear, or was happy flowing in the slipstream of those greater tracks. The new album, I Want To Grow Up, alludes to a recognition that things need to change; but listening to 'Pay Attention' this really seems to be a misnomer - thankfully. The line actually is "I can't ever pay attention/To anything you ever say to me" - so we are clear that this isn't a reinvention. Because it's Green's domain to be offhand, throwaway with some good riffs, party vibes and good times. Comparisons have been made to Blink 182 which I think is hilarious and pretty silly - but then who's to say my thoughts on Green as a female counterpoint to JEFF The Brotherhood is any less off-point? At any rate, 'Pay Attention' does exactly that - gets you to pay attention for sub-three minutes, an upbeat tune that makes you shirk the tensions of real life for a few moments before reaching for the replay button. Don't grow up, Colleen.

 Pre-order I Want To Grow Up here.

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