I've said it before, Ill say it again - I fucking LOVE Bloody Mary's. I don't remember my very first one, but I have so many memories of the ones after that that the genesis becomes a moot point. And whilst today Im a little shaky, just the memories of the Bloody Mary at the Junk Bar in Ashgrove, Brisbane has me salivating despite my liver's fervent admonitions. It makes the world go round people...
Which is probably why the first video today is of Summer Camp. Now, this is probably the only band that is attempting to capture 80s sunny pop sounds and doing a good job of it. And they certainly look cute. And my girlfriend will probably love the shit out of them. But me...I don't really get it. So when they were blowing up last year, I listened to a few tracks but it didn't interest me. C'est la vie, I thought. Until today, when I started watching 'Better Off Without You'. And it's probably the hangover, but I dug it's sugary charms. Some A/V Berocca? It's the precursor to the hotly anticipated debut LP Welcome To Condale, out at the tail end of next month. Summer Camp are following this up with a tour of Europe and the UK in November - playing Efes in London in the middle of that month - yet no word of their visit to Australia. However, they love their 80s shtick down here, so it won't be long Im sure...
Those Crystal Antlers keep forging forth off the back of new album Two Way Mirror, and this is a new video to keep the surge going. This one is for 'Way Out', a short droning rocker that trips the fuck on out of there. An instrumental number for the video is a weird choice, but I love it - Im sure you will too... If you're in London September 30, the band are playing at Tutu's (KCLSU), Im sure it will be amazing. Not as amazing though as for US audiences. Crystal Antlers are touring throughout October and November, and the second half of dates will be joined by WU LYF! Now, I havent mentioned these guys on the blog yet, but they are everywhere, they are good, and you will hear about them on SM very soon...
Crystal Antlers - Way Out from Cora Foxx on Vimeo
Now for a band I knew nothing about until last week. Hindershot are a Denver outfit who supposedly pump out the indie-pop-rock. I wouldn't know, I've only heard this one song, 'I Won't Change.' Now, it's a pretty good song, with tremolo well and truly in place to tickle my fancy, yet the video is doubly ace and thus has easily piqued my interest. They have an EP coming out soon called Curse Us All (through Hot Congress Records), and Im going to check that one out in due course. Until then - we have this.
Hindershot - I Won't Change from Hinder Shot on Vimeo.
Finally, my beloved Barn Owl have a video for 'Turiya' off their latest stellar release Lost In The Glare. Not much needs to be said here. They are the raddest. So drift off...
Barn Owl - Turiya from Thrill Jockey Records on Vimeo.
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