Back In February, I had been in Brisbane for about a month when I went to local band (and good mates) Nova Scotia's album launch at the Lofly Hangar. It was a great night, filled with fun, frivolity and highlights (including a stellar show by are they/aren't they defunct Arbuckle) - but one act I found underwhelming. They may have been energetic, but Tape/Off just didn't do it for me. I haven't endeavoured to see them since...
But I think that may be a massive mistake, if their new EP is anything to go by. Recorded by the band's drummer Branko Cosic, ...And Sometimes Gladness opens with a killer track - 'Backseat' is late 90s loud languid indie by proxy, all 5 and a bit minutes of it surround-sound glory. It goes on from there - 'Something That We Know' muddied up the Pavement short thrashy number routine, the brilliantly named 'Hell Comes To Frogtown' (so named after a filmic Z-grade schlocker) is anarchic with some lovely Sand On Seven era Not From There affinities (and great bass throughout), 'Botanical Gardens' muddy shoegaze in a corrugated iron shed, and closes with 'Happen Now', a beauty that also includes Kellie Lloyd (Screamfeeder) in cameo mode. Seriously guys, way to kick a preconception in the guts. This EP fucking slays.
Branko and co - will you ever forgive me???
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