A double dosage of Lefse Records tunes for you now! Starting with the above quirksters Way Yes. Their upcoming 7" Oranjudio (which comes out today on Lefse) looks to continue the good vibes that their tune 'Walkability' displayed last year. The Ohio trio are adamant that Afrobeats in your indie rock are still the future - and along with Cuckoo Chaos, they may still have a point. Its a nice little number (and physically attractive in a Zooey Deschanel kinda way), so is well worth picking up. Oranjudio is available HERE.
Way Yes - Automail

Now, I thought I had already spoken about A Classic Education, but a lengthy rifle through the back catalogue suggests this is not the case, so... Below you can get your hands on the first two singles from their upcoming debut full length Call It Blazing . The cut from the Jarvis Taveniere (Woods) produced record is "about a young boy, born in the gang, he runs from home, leaves his family and his arrogant father, follows his friends and joins another pack, feels his first moments of freedom, he's far from home, that sense of blur is leaving, he almost feels invincible now, will he ever shake off that edginess and anxiety? He's worried he can't grow out of it." That's the blurb. What do I think? For starters, their sound is surprisingly American, seeing as they call Bologna, Italy home. Yet you can see why Taveniere became interested - Ive been a fan for a little while now thanks to Lefse's involvement, the band emulate the dreamy guitar/post-punk/wall of sound codes and conventions that many "indie" powerhouses of today espouse to proffer, but in an extremely European way. In that they take these somewhat common tropes and make them wholesome and refreshing again. The album may be over 12 months old recording-wise, but the wait has been worth it. Call It Blazing is available for pre-order (street date a week from today, 25 October) HERE.
A Classic Education - Forever Boy
A Classic Education - Grave Bird
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