When I was growing up my favourite animal was the tiger. Still is, pretty much. I wanted to be as rich as Richard Branson so that I could own my own tiger and ride him around and save kids from burning buildings. But then I saw He-Man. Sure, the guy's tough, but his haircut was dumb. I didnt have the power of Greyskull either, so I had to let Damascus go. Last I heard he was running rampant out near Cecil Plains. Oh, how I miss him so...
Video Vacuum is all about the tigers - well, a couple are. First up is Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks. The track is called 'Tigers'. It's a great song, and has tigers in it, albeit fake ones. Damascus woulda torn their shit up. Oh Damascus!
Holiday Shores impressed with their Columbus'd The Whim album in '09, and the sounds emanating from them this year on new LP New Masses For Squaw Peak sound just as enticing. What better way to celebrate than with a basketball-themed montage to 'Threepeat Got Old'? Seeing Damascus slam dunk over Dikembe Mutombo, that's what. But my camera didn't work that day, so the physical evidence is low on the ground, so Holiday Shores it is...
Holiday Shores - Threepeat Got Old from twosyllable records on Vimeo.
Along comes Battles. Robots + Gary Numan = fucktard mental. Damascus would have destroyed here - but that goes without saying.
No mean feat to beat that right? Back to the tiger theme then, with London noise instrumentalists (emphasis on the mental) Three Trapped Tigers. Their Route One Or Die album is pretty ace, but is nothing compared to this, quite possibly the best music video I have seen this year. It has frickin Matt Berry in it - need I say more???
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