Seeing as I was doing posts about these three bands independently, and they are playing a show together tomorrow night, I may as well do it all now in a massive post, right? Strap yourselves in folks...

I cannot believe that I saw Secret Birds for the first time only this year. Admittedly Ive seen them about five times now, and never has one gig truly resembled the others. Their brand of undulating noise has ebbed and flowed over the course of their releases, hence such a disparity in their live sets, and this is once more prevalent in their latest release, Moon Clouds Infinite (out through Sonoptik). The sonic ambiance on display on the two sides of this record are a little less schizophrenic, yet showcase the reflections of noise and its denizens to beautiful effect.
Secret Birds - Part II

The Rational Academy are a band that have also been honing their craft in the Brisbane music scene and abroad for over a number of years and a plethora of releases. The latest - a small collection of cassettes detailing a stellar show they did at Brisbane's inimitable sweathole and musical palace The Zoo back in September (you can buy it, along with a tee, for $20 here). New songs, drastically remodelled oldies, it bodes well for the ever-evolving future of Ben Thompson and his battle-hardened brothers in arms...

The party though is all about enthusiastic psych-os (is that even possible? Or appropriate?) Dreamtime and the release of their debut LP. Ill be picking this bad boy up on vinyl for sure - its a stellar, assured debut that has as its highlight a space jam about Gympie (although no reference to the Muster...shame...). Seeing as it was cut with the help of Donovan Miller, he of No Anchor and the brilliant song about another Qld country town Gatton, this comes as no surprise.
Come on down to The Waiting Room tomorrow from 8pm!!
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