Ah, the imposed two week holiday. Double edged sword, that one - you get to hang out and relax, get away from the necessary evils of work - but as its between contracts, its all unpaid. Which means whilst you may have fun on said two weeks off, the next fortnight is a complete bitch. So Im back on a new chain gang tomorrow. At least there is a Sonic Masala Presents... show to look forward to (making the gig BYO is looking like a wise decision with every passing second...)

So, who will kick off the Hits From The Box on this, my last day of freedom? Well, if it isnt State Champion! The name of the 12" is Deep Shit (out late this month on Drag City and Sophomore Lounge), and its drawling, brawling brushstrokes falls into the same raucous Americana punk territory as Titus Andronicus or The Gaslight Anthem. Its shambolic, whisky fuelled indie hoedown fodder, and the lyrics are just as rambunctious. Good stuff.
State Champion - No Babies

Apperception is the solo project of Toronto based composer Joey Hoyda, a minimalist, post-rock-oriented piece of ambiance, governed by polyrhythm and polymeter. The self-titled album is an intriguing listen, basically a continuing idea rung out over a series of guitar-centric suites, and its well worth chasing down.
Apperception - Zappa Memorial BBQ

Now we turn our heads to the UK, and little outfit Deaf Club. Their Lull EP is four tracks of moody angular melody with the smoky wisp of Polly Mackey's vocals blowing like smoke over the top of a still, twilight bay, the calm before the inevitable storm. The Welsh group are turning heads, have just recorded at BBC's Maida Vale studios, and will be playing at London's Hoxton Bar and Grill on October 19. Deaf Club - It, She

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