Thursday 13 June 2013

Shine A Lantern Into The Evil Eye

I spoke about Dream Mine, the sixth EP from Philadelphia's Lantern that came out on Bathetic Records, about this time last year. It was one of those sleazy, seductive albums that comes along, seemingly out of nowhere, singes your nostril hairs, relaxes your rectum and separates your retinas, before burning away into the dark, dark night, with nary a glance, glare or leer back at the carnage.

Well the Philly trio are done with the short talk, the foreplay, the torture porn, whatever you want to call the past three years since their inception, and are prepping their debut LP Rock 'N' Roll Rorschach to come out through Sophomore Lounge next month, and 'Evil Eye' clearly outlays that all that came before was nothing. The fact alone that they got in Jeff Zeigler (he of Clockcleaner fame/infamy) tells you that the noise will be brought - but in a cleaner fashion, one where you can hear every decibel, every strand of your fibre just before it pops. A relentless, nihilistic power display, 'Evil Eye' is the kind of gate-crashing awe that can bring down kingdoms - or at the very least, see a spike in eardrum perforations. Expect to hear more about this release next month.

Pre-order the Rock 'N' Roll Rorschach 12" here.

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