Tuesday 22 May 2012

Double Odonis Dunks His Busted Lip In Hollandaze

Odonis Odonis, the Toronto punk rapscallions led by Dean Tzenos, released their Busted Lip 7" yesterday through, which is a single off their debut LP Hollandaze. It's funny that I've taken so long to talk about these guys - it's merely because I already had, but when I started to write this I realised that there was no previous link. My bad, because Hollandaze is a premier example of loud, noisy, aberrant surf rock injected with a punk snarl, both out of place in its Canadian climes and yet very much of its time. The beauty is in its electricity - these tracks rip through you, yet it is a dark fun being exuded, not a nasty exertion of vitriolic noise. Sure, lots have said the words 'Albini' and 'Big Black' when discussing this trio, yet it isn't the parallels to those tar-black outpourings that should be the focal point. It's the relentlessness of these punk crashes, infused with squalling guitars, urgent rhythms and snarling venom, yet all with an upturned frown and a glint in the eye. It is brutal and frenetic - only the six minute 'Seedgazer' offers a respite, and even then it doesn't alleviate the sweaty fervency, what with its restless wall of guitar noise.

You can pick up the vinyl of Hollandaze here. You can pick up the 7" here (re-released after being a rare release about this time last year, before FatCat Records added them to their roster). Apparently we will have a new album on the blocks very soon, so get excited!!!

Odonis Odonis - Busted Lip
Odonis Odonis - Hollandaze
Odonis Odonis - Seedgazer

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