Wednesday 27 August 2014

Coughing Cool Every Weekend

I'm seeing out the week with some leftover Cough Cool. Well, one half of. Dan Svizeny has gone solo with Every Weekend (out on Forged Artifacts) and its a fuzzed slice of summer slay dipping beyond the far end of the horizon, leaving you with slight sunstroke, a hangover and half-remembered memories that may or may not be rose-tinted underneath the darker tinted Ray Bans. 'Close-Up USA' is a good start ('Always Daytripping' is OK but its bad Eurotrash pout grates on me after a few listens, even though I love the bass, so arrogant haha). It feels like a clinging wetsuit of meditation, floating in the flotsam and jetsam of half-chances and confused daydreams, a drawl that the mind can't really get out of. In all, I'm digging this record. You can grab the chrome Every Weekend cassette here.

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