Ive been waiting for Paul to drop this bomb, but cannot wait any longer...
After a hecticly interesting six or so years and a number of special releases underscoring their phenomenal firebrand live aura, Baltimore art spazzouts Ponytail have called an indefinite hiatus, citing various creative avenues that is seeing them drift apart (more geographically than anything I gather). The only thing I know for sure is that Jeremy has been kept very busy drumming for the Boredoms of recent times. It is impossible to find a replacement for any band member - Ponytail are an ever coalescing organism where every element is intrinsic to its evolution and survival - take one away and the rest dies. This is incredibly sad news, as these guys managed to create the kind of manic energy that can supersede Deerhoof in a support slot - DEERHOOF! So yeah, sad indeed. However, band member Dustin Wong has mentioned that whilst they are off doing their own individual projects, they may gravitate towards one another to begin 'another interesting experiment'. For the love of music, we can only hope so.
So, rather than start our weekend crying over split Ponytail, have a listen to one of their seminal tracks, jumping off the walls like a jellybean-riddled ADHD sufferer, and celebrate the body electric!
Ponytail - Celebrate The Body Electric (It Came From An Angel)
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