Banned Books have done something pretty amazing here. They have remixed current "it" hip hop crew Death Grips (whose Ex-Military album is great, actually) by layering it on top of their track 'Malio'. Its been on constant rotation over here (alongside the aforementioned Future Of The Left EP and God Bows To Math LP), so waste no time - have at it already!
Death Grips - Guillotine (Banned Books Remix) by banned books
And for added pleasure, here is a live version of 'Malio' where they are joined by the amazing Deerhoof drummer Greg Saunier! He is so mental! Just something to get you excited about the imminent Australian tour in January 2012!
"Malio" By Banned Books feat. Greg Saunier of Deerhoof from Banned Books on Vimeo.
And finally, to end this day in triumphant manner - here is Ex-Military in its entirety! So good...
Death Grips - Exmilitary by deathgrips
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