Awesomeness abounds when throwing on this 7" (through the inimitable HoZaC) by SF punks Wax Idols. These formidable female-fronted pop wonders are not who you may already believe or expect. Led by the ex-Hunx & His Punx (meh), Bare Wires (rad) and member of CastleFace Records' Blasted Canyons (awesome) Heather Fedewa (aka Hether Fortune), Wax Idols "straddle the line between ripping tough/tender post-punk/goth-pop, and irresistibly anthemic indie rock hooks, somewhat like Joan Jett would sound like tearing through Best Coast with a chainsaw." Note the quotations? Not my comment. But Hozac press dude, I agree entirely. There is something wholly enthralling by seeing women take back punk from the faux-rockers, yet infuse it with a narcotically addictive sense of melody. These girls have it in spades. No Future is the LP - but it's a misnomer when you consider what these girls might be capable of.

No Future is available here - its well worth the purchase, let me tell you! Also, check out Fortune's band-led tumblr site here, its pretty ace.

Wax Idols - Dead Like You
Wax Idols - Gold Sneakers
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