I have a couple of juicy little tidbits coming from local muso/promoter/tech wizard/all round good guy Andrew Tuttle to throw your way today.
Firstly he is organising a tour for the amazing young American bluegrass/old-time musician Frank Fairfield in December. He's going to be playing Meredith Festival and eight headline shows along the East Coast in December, including shows in Brisbane (Syncretism at Judith Wright Centre on Thurs 15/12, supported by Ryan Francesconi [USA, Drag City label, member of Joanna Newsom's band and arranger of her last album. Show is a
co-presentation with Tuttle's label Room40) and Gold Coast (The Sound Lounge on Fri
16/12, supported by Laneway from the Coast, and Anonymeye). Fairfield, impossibly young in comparison to his age-old sermons on life and the wilderness from a bygone Southern era, released Out On The Open West, which really showcases this burning talent. There's heaps
of tour info available at www.micronationstours.com.
Frank Fairfield - Poor Old Lance

The second piece of info surrounds Tuttle's solo project, Anonymeye. He recently released Anontendre (on Room40's avant-pop offshoot, Someone Good). He may be a great ambassador for experimental music from all over the world, but what he creates individually is something to behold. Using his usual (don't confuse with traditional) template of acoustic guitar, signal processing, synthesisers, and effects units, Anontendre is a work of art, an ambient sojourn into the off-kilter world that lies beneath the cosmopolis of everyday life, its gentle folk inflections augmented by the digital intrusions. Its a fantastic listen - a melodious composition that marries varying sonic realms with relative ease, creating a gossamer waterfall of elegiac soundwaves. You can grab it from the Room40 store here.
Anonymeye - Federation
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