And first cab off the rank is Los Angeles' Mickey Mickey Rourke (AKA Neon Navajo's Miller Rodriguez). New EP Inner Gazing (his 3rd release this year, following Festive Bummer and MMR) is freshly off the press, and it continues the languid ambient jams that the trop/psych kids will lap up. As do I - this stuff is very impressive, and is some of the best of its kind you can lay your mitts on. The success of Inner Gazing is in the essence of these tracks, that they coalesce around you before solidifying, trapping you in amber.
Secondly is a collaboration that Mr Rourke made with Canada's Lester Brown, appropriately monikered Mickey Brown. They released Vision Quest, a 12-track ectoplasmic entity that takes chillwave and eschews the common tropes - something like Cold Cave stuck in a prism created by The Books... Blending tropical with psychedelic, harbouring a kernel of inherent fun in each song, Vision Quest has clawed its way to the top of my playlist in no short order - alongside Inner Gazing, funnily enough. The reason why these two release are a cut above the rest is because they engage the listener in a way that most other artists of their ilk are loathe to do. Some - Forest Swords for example - hold their own in their aloof frostiness, but Mickey Mickey Rourke/Mickey Brown truly come from Magic Mountain. Hope the magic continues.
Mickey Brown - Benjemiya
Mickey Brown - Training Wheels
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