Naming your kids after towns you've never been to...says sage Isaac Brock (ok, paraphrased, but whatever, Im writing this at 1am cos I cant sleep!). And so it is with musicians. When bands are formed there is a great pressure on what you call your 'baby'. What possessed these Brooklynites to name themselves on the state where rich folk go to die - Florida - is beyond me. What possessed these Brooklynites when they created their 7" Haunted House (via SHDWPLY) may be the spawn of the Devil, but its created something mesmeric, captivating, and definitely haunted. The use of various effects and brass instruments in disparaging fits and bursts throughout the track sets the song forward like a Romero zombie with the occasional quick cut ("oh, its so slow, its stumbling along, its - OH SHIT ITS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH" and so forth). The intertwined vocals of the singers adds to the eeriness - deep baritone and sketchy screeches. After its 5 minutes have slithered over you, your skin will be coated in stale sweat residue, the pits of your shirt/dress/blouse/muumuu will be yellowed, as will your fingertips and the whites of your eyes. you'll have the thousand yard stare, the seven year itch, the aches, the pains...and you will not hesitate to put this one agaion. Its a truly haunting track. So even if you don't understand their moniker, you'll understand what they created - and thats all that matters.
Florida - Haunted House
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