Tuesday 13 July 2010

Wild Summer of Nothings

Wild Nothing, AKA Jack Tatum, has been the poster child of most blogs in the past 6 months, with most veritably salivating on their keyboards in anticipation of his debut LP Gemini. Well, its out, and its very good. It also proves that you dont need to use a tin can and string, exposed wires and cartons of hairspray to make beautiful dream pop fit for summer consumption. Its a classy affair from start to finish. 'Chinatown' has been flogged everywhere, but I feel that seeing as we're hitting proper English summer climes, we need a similar themed tune - and Wild Nothing have it!

Not content to rest on his laurels, out comes Evertide, an EP that is a natural progression of Gemini's mores. Here's a track of it also - hopefully these two tracks can combine, so we can wish for and receive the best summer ever!

Gemini is out through the feted Captured Tracks (and I have to say its one of the cleanest produced albums from this label thus far), whilst Warmest Chord have put out Evertide. Wild Nothing plays the Luminaire August 20 - tickets will sell up fast for this one, so get busy!

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