Another act to contact us here at Sonic Masala, Catacombkid is the tinkerings of one Harrison Mills. The Seattle multi-tasker has just released his 2nd LP proper, Deep Sleep, and it is a slick trip into the subconsious, its skittish glitches augmenting the submersive feel of a...er, deep sleep. I think its a beautiful piece of work that impresses on an individual track basis (eg 'Statue' is an ethereal snowdrift, whilst 'Crystal Clear' has insistent beats over a sprightly synth that simultaneously evokes sterility and vibrancy - I dont know how, but it does!), but it is most enthralling when played in its entirety, mingling electronica with tinkling piano and mechanical drum beats to create a mesmeric whole. Deep Sleep actually washes over you, an aural cryogenic state for the ear matter. Place this on repeat and watch the dusk dissolve into dawn...
Whats more, its a free download on Catacombkid's Bandcamp! I love it so...
Amazing music. Thank you for posting. His other album on his Bandcamp is sic too.