You can tell that whilst there is a very eclectic, erratic and eccentric mix of musical influences, there are certain musical predilections that us here at Sonic Masala tend to harbour. One of those is inarguably that of psychedelic rock. Paul and I are just about shitting our pants waiting for the new Black Angels album, whilst I drench my shirt with sweat just thinking about the artwork for Black Mountain's upcoming newie. Sad but true.
Anyway, there is a small band from Chicago that Im a fan of, have been for a little while. Apteka havent put out much, but what they have has been pretty impressive - and loud. A mixture of Sabbath-slathered riffs and My Bloody Valentine-esque volume and reverb, Apteka have driven a spike into the asphalt and set about destroying it with a blunt chainsaw...
Actually thats a terrible analogy. Im tired. Its been a long day.
Suffice to stay, Apteka a re rocking, and very very loud. They have supported Band of Skulls and Spectrum recently - that tells you what you're getting.
Actually thats a terrible analogy. Im tired. Its been a long day.
Suffice to stay, Apteka a re rocking, and very very loud. They have supported Band of Skulls and Spectrum recently - that tells you what you're getting.
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