We posted about The Fantasies last month (check it out here), and when speaking to them then they mentioned they had a single coming out. Well, said single has landed - How The Fantasies Stole Christmas!! The radness of this two-song release is Russian doll like in its intricacies and infinitesimal joys - the Seuss references in both cover art and song titles, the cover arts fascinations with 50s era pulp sci-fi, and the tracks themselves, that seems to further augment the parallel universe these guys are obviously from. Both quintessentially instrumentals, both 'How The Fantasies Stole Christmas!!' and 'How The Fantasies Saved Christmas!!' are absurd pastiches - the first being slightly 60s carolling with loops and an r'n'b vibe, the second an electronic menagerie that buzzes along at a metronomic pace. Very different from Meet The Fantasies - and all the more interesting. I cant wait to hear what they serve up to us next (apparently it'll be like The Beatles covering the Pixies!)
Love these guys. Just made "Tick Tock" my Swell Song of the day: