Now I know that Sonic Masala has stuck rigidly to music in the past - and most likely will continue to do so forever and ever, yadda yadda yadda. But I like to shake things up a bit, and who better to do it with than an overtly controversial skinny pale bald Jew from New Yawk best known for wearing denim shorts and trialling for the Blue Man Group?
David Cross is one funny bastard. He crosses many mediums through indie and mainstream films, and seminal work with TV, but of course it is on the stage where Cross reigns supreme. He continues to tour his standup routine, and is one of, if not the only, comedian to be signed to indie rock behemoths Sub Pop. His 3rd album Bigger and Blackerer is out now, and is fucking hilarious. If you like your stand up acerbic, satirical, and inflammatory, this is a must.
Have a laugh...
David Cross - The One Show About Drugs And Stuff
And this is a further swerve to left field (although it has a tenuous link with the above skit due to the American show Intervention), and Im not sure how it will go with the other SM-ers - but the fuckers have gone to Barcelona without me, so screw em! I dare you not to laugh at this...I DARE YOU!
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