We brought you exciting news about Sargent House stallions Hella yesterday (you missed it? WHA? Well get over here and sort that shit out, STAT!) Another Sargent House alum that are going great guns is Le Butcherettes, the Mexican trio that rip apart stages all across Northern America. They released a new LP Sin Sin Sin a fortnight ago through Rodriguez Lopez Productions, the label of Mars Volta's ridiculously hard working Omar Rodriguez Lopez. The band have a very unique stage set too - lead singer and basically "the band" Teri Gender Bender wears a bloody apron and uses props such as feather dusters, artificial blood, flour, eggs and pigs' heads (?) in a throwback to 50s era women's roles in the home, and to highlight women's emancipation from said roles...whatever, the chick fucking kills, and the bloody apron is amazing in the context of this roaring punk. Having enlisted ex-Locust drummer Gabe Serbian, and garnering adulation from the likes of Jack White and Karen O, they are preparing to take on the world, starting with supports shows for the Deftones.

Sin Sin Sin is a pretty slick album. Not the biggest fan of this track off it, 'I'm Getting Sick Of You' - a bit too Death Weather-lite via Juliette Lewis for my taste - not that either reference is bad, they are excellent, just that there are better examples of their wares elsewhere on the album. Keep an eye out on this trio for sure...
Le Butcherettes - Im Getting Sick Of You
Check this out to get what I mean...
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