I think You all know what Im going to say about the new Explosions In The Sky album, evocatively titled Take Care, Take Care, Take Care. "Yeah yeah yeah, obligatory grovelling, wild gesticulations, self-flagellations and degradations aside, there is nothing special there. The guy is an Explosions... tragic, therefore the album is shitter than a haemorrhoid after a daily diet of Cajun chicken".
Ok, so you think Im biased? Yes, it is true, I do worship at the altar of this Texan instrumental band. but have you ever heard anything as sublime as this band? Nothing can create the full gamut of emotions through sound that this band can. And this album, whilst not necessarily reinventing their own wheel, offers greater scope upon which their emotive atmospherics can be adorned. The most differing track of theirs here would have to be 'Trembling Hands', with the synth adding a further sense of urgency to what is also close to their shortest track ever committed to tape. But it is when they explore the paradigms of their sonic boundaries that they truly soar.
Actually, you know what? You are all right - I am far too biased to give the best objective review of this, or any, album by this band. There isnt a single track of theirs that has ever disappointed me, and the new album proves this rule. Im listening to album for months now - it has taken all my willpower not to gush all over this site about it til now - and it still gets to me. Best band ever? Quite possibly...
Actually, you know what? You are all right - I am far too biased to give the best objective review of this, or any, album by this band. There isnt a single track of theirs that has ever disappointed me, and the new album proves this rule. Im listening to album for months now - it has taken all my willpower not to gush all over this site about it til now - and it still gets to me. Best band ever? Quite possibly...

Take Care, Take Care, Take Care comes out next week through Temporary Residence.
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