I wish I had stumbled across this sooner. Describing himself as a cross between Mogwai and Three Six Mafia, multi-instrumentalist experimentalist ist Tristan O'Connell - AKA Guilty Ghosts - crafts melancholic soundscapes that skitter across your emotions, one minute plucking at your heartstrings, punching you in the face the next. Im not sure if comparing oneself to either band is fair - Guilty Ghosts has an instilled beauty all of his own. Im very impressed, and think you will be too.
You can download his latest self-titled EP here. He has a second album out through Words+Dreams called Enigma Variations, which 'Top Prize Fighter' is from.
Guilty Ghosts - Top Prize Fighter
Guilty Ghosts - Bergen Street
Glad you're digging the tunes. Check out the limited-edition cassette run of Enigma Variations at http://wordsplusdreams.blogspot.com